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myOTTOBRE stories

Christine, Canada / Finlande

Après avoir déménagé du Canada à la Finlande, Christine était à la recherche d’un loisir. Elle a emprunté des magazines OTTOBRE à la bibliothèque et elle a apprécié nos modèles. Les hauts qu’elle porte sont réalisés à partir de nos patrons, mais elle les modifie pour être compatible avec l’allaitement. D’après Christine, ces hauts ajustés à son corps sont confortables et lui apportent de la joie. Nous avons aimé les photos heureuses de Christine, en particulière celle prise avec sa fille et leur duo mère-fille de vêtements réalisé en laine mérinos !



I sewed a bit as a child and teen, and then picked it up again after moving to Finland and discovering that I was in need of a hobby. I dabbled a bit in embroidery and tried knitting for a couple of days, but then realized that I would only be happy if I once again owned a sewing machine.



I came across Ottobre Magazine at the library here in Helsinki, and I really liked the combination of practical basics and more current, fashionable patterns that each magazine offers. These pictures tell most of the story about why I like to sew. The tops I am wearing are hacked Ottobre patterns – Leslie from 6/2020 and Ponytail from 7/2017. They are hacked to be nursing friendly – I love that I can make nursing shirts that fit my body in a way that makes me feel comfortable, and from fabrics that make me happy! My daughter is wearing a sweater that is made from the leftover merino wool from my turtleneck, also an Ottobre pattern from 6/2019. These are all TNT patterns that I really enjoy and will continue to remake.



Toutes les histoires myOTTOBRE

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